Summer in Grand Marais, and the hooligans have descended on Artists Point. Here are a few items from the Cook County law enforcement briefs, as published in the News-Herald of July 31, 2010:
Wednesday, July 21, 4:49 PM
A suspicious package found at the point was determined to contain marine batteries and rocks.
Thursday, July 22, 11:46 AM
Caller said a man was sitting in a vehicle parked at Point, watching people with binoculars and making notes in a little book. He was gone when a deputy arrived.
Saturday, July 24, 12:09 PM
Caller made a parking complaint at Point. She said she was blocked in when someone parked behind her, and there was already a car in front of her.
The juicy stuff continued: three drive-offs from gas stations, lost wallets, and a mysterious whistler on the Onion River (hiker "said she heard whistling on the other side of the hill, and said 'whistle if you need help,' and head whistling again.)
Just wait until Fishermen's Picnic this weekend...things will get even crazier!
It must be because Northern Lights are in the air.
I saw a piece of Swen and Ole's pizza on the sidewalk when there.
I almost called the police.
It was cloudy last night so not
sure if people in Grand Marais
could see the Northern Lights?
I've not heard the report yet from
the relatives there.
Thanks for this post! It made me look forward to our annual September camping trip on the North Shore even more than I already am!
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